Friday, July 25, 2008

He's Back!

For all those who have read my "Love the Little People" Post, I wanted to give you an update:


I don't know where he went or why he as returned, but I have enjoyed the morning nods for the last week and will not do anything to scare him away. Cross my heart and hope to die, haha.

Friday, July 11, 2008

A Pit Stop

I think by now you all know that I take the train to work in the mornings. A lot of people do...there are trains about every 10 mins between 7-9 am at the station closest to my house.

I used to start work at 9 am - so I would jump on one of the train between 8:30 and 8:50. Now, I'm supposed to arrive by 8:30 - so I do my best to get on the train between 7:40-8:00 (although it has been the 8:10 the last few days - which is NOT a fun train because everyone is running late so they're not nice and they won't move away from the door to let you on because heaven forbid you will get THEIR oh-so-precious-spot which lets them be two inches from the stairs at their arriving platform allowing THEM to be first to sprint up and make up the 4 mins the train was late - which, by the way silly people, is BECAUSE you won't move away from the doors to let the poor folks like me on the train to begin with - Wow, that wasn't even the point of this post - time to end the run on sentence).

When I first started working earlier, I would get the 7:20 train (mostly because I didn't know the new timetables yet) but that first day I remember passing the old man as he came out of the bushes.

It wasn't until the seoncd day that I thought I saw him zipping up his pants. On the third occassion, I spotted him about a block out and got the full show of the shake, zip, adjusment, and walk toward his cane - carefully placed within reach but on the other side of the bushes still on the walking path. Apparently this man makes a pit stop here every morning - I have yet to gather the courage to walk any closer to that bush than the other side of the street AND I have started taking the 7:40 so I don't happen upon this scene again...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Left, Right, Left


I realized as I crossed the street today that I looked the correct way before crossing the street...There should have been ticker tape because it was time for a big parade to celebrate!

Friday, June 20, 2008


One of the first things that I changed when working in Australia was the date.

OK, I can't magically make the day change, but the rest of the world writes their dates in a different format - DD-MM-YY - something completely different from my American upbringing. And while I could write the dates in the new format, I still thought the dates in my 'traditional format'...seeing in my head October 2, 2007 while writing/typing 02-10-2007.

I still catch myself saying July 28th or August 18th while EVERYONE else in my office/house/new world say 'two May' for 2 May or 4 July for the big 4th of July party. It make me wonder what's going to happen when I go home...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Bad Day

It was bound to happen...this boundless joy, unending happiness, unrelenting ecstasy- it had to come to an end. Not that I dreaded it, not that I wanted it, not that I didn't enjoy the blissfulness any less - but I knew somewhere in the back of my brain, way down deep in the cerebellum (is it the cerebellum that is down deep - something to look up on the internet later), that one of these days wouldn't be so very wonderful.

I've actually had a few glum days. I don't know if this glumness was brought on by the last of my backpacker friends departing on her big tour (leaving me here all alone to fend for myself among the Aussies), or the dreary and now COLD weather that signals winter is upon Sydney, or my roommate telling me he doesn't absolutely, positively LOVE the beaut-iful bookcase I bought (and assembled with little assistance from anyone) for the front room. But something got me feeling a bit sorry for myself - a totally new experience in this land of constant joviality (did I just make up a word?).

So, I've been doing my best to putter around, hold back the tears of sadness, fight the urge to lash out in rage, and generally get over this hump - while trying to explore its source so I can better prepare for next time. Then, it happened.

A terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day (Alexander doesn't have that copyrighted , does he? What if the FCC or Copyright Club come after me - THAT would be a bad day).

Blah, Blah, Blah (fill in a not so great day at work). So, I head home and decide to stop at the store to pick up food to COOK myself dinner. I start my jaunt home - my mind reeling with thoughts of what I could have done differently, should have said nicely, fights I pretend to have in my head to stand up for myself, when I get to my street (Baltic Street). I step off the curb heading toward the right and hoping to walk down the middle of the road - a habit I have picked up from my rule-breaking roomie - when BAM, crash, clink, roll, ouch, and a few choice words a lady from Texas doesn't repeat.

I am on all fours hoping the potatoes aren't bruised, praying the satay sauce bottle hasn't cracked, and wondering what the burning sensation in both heels of my hands could be, when I hear footsteps and a girl's voice (ok she's about my age) call out "Are you ok?" As I pick myself up quickly and wipe of my pants, she starts explaining how embarrassing that is and she's done it herself and how she always hopes that no one sees and wants to know if I'm ok again. After I assure her several times that, yes, I am ok and no, I don't need help, but thank you for stopping. She FINALLY turns back up the street to continue home. I am thankful she has finally left because I don't know how much longer I can hold back the tears from utter and complete embarrassment as well as sharp, burning, prickly pain - oh and now stiffness as I try to walk - coming from both knees and hands.

As I limp home, groceries in tow, I can only think of Alexander and his day. I successfully brush off a roommate as I throw groceries in the fridge (not their places), change clothes to discover I have ruined a $15 pair of hose, hobble done the stairs (yet, the left knee which is the one bleeding is definitely more sore than the right), wash my soon-to-be scar out in the kitchen sink (since brushed off roommate retreated to the only bathroom in the house to heal his wounds from my wrath), and decide that the burning sensation in my left knee has not subsided, like all other burning, which must mean that there is a flesh-eating bacteria in there that needs to be killed by rubbing alcohol!

I grab my purse and slam the door in order to make it to the corner store before they close. Two blocks later, I find out I'm too late. So down to the main drag to find a pharmacy...7:01 pm is too late in Australia for such places to be open. Guess it's off to the nearest grocery for some sort of liquid something. Just my luck - THEY'RE OUT! After receiving several odd glances from customers in the massive line ( wonder there's a massive line - this store has the whole suburb in their grip of open lateness with promise of most products/food even if the selection is limited to one item per product and the staff is only helpful enough to point to the top shelf and say "There's no extras" then look at you as if to say 'DUH!'), I decide my chances are hopeless here and leave with my money in my pocket. I walk (ok totter..) a few blocks to let off steam and decide that I am hungry and the bruised potatoes will have to be satayed another night.

A burrito and a few blocks towards home later, and I'm beginning to think I might have overreacted about the flesh-eating bacteria thing. A good sleep and a walk by the corner of incident, and I see it could have been a pothole, the worn-down heel of my shoe catching the curb, or lack of winning the fight in my head that caused the whole thing. But now that a day has passed, I can look back and laugh (even if I still have to hobble up and down the stairs). At least I have learned not to go to the grocery on an empty stomach and (hopefully) to let things go a little more easily so that they don't spill over on the curb of life.

Though I'm not looking forward to seeing my neighbor again - of course the good Samaritan who ran 50 feet back to ensure my safety would end up living right next door. Hopefully, I will be kind and stop to help when I see someone fall (although maybe I'll leave out the how embarrassing bit).

Bad days come and bad days go but it's what we learn from them that makes the next years of our life wonderful, marvelous, terrific, really good days (Thanks, Alexander)!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Fancy Dress Party

My co-worker Niki (above), turned 25-what a youngin'-and threw a fabulous Golf Pros and Tennis Divas FANCY DRESS party (or as we call it in America - costume party/dress up party/et al). It took a bit of searching - but I found a great tennis skirt that would have made Aunt Ingrid proud. Although, I did feel a bit like Tennis Smurfette with my full outfit on. But once I got to the party and was surrounded by other dancing Tennis Divas, all hesistations washed away and we had fun dancing all night (ok, I only stayed til 1 am but I had a long day of putting furniture together - I know, I know, lame excuse!).

The party location was the great nightclub called RETRO where they play all your favorites from the 80s. Eventually, they moved into the 90s...and just as I was leaving they put on a bit of techno and current hip hop. No one seemed impressed by the fact that I knew every word to Ludacruis "Stand Up" (Brooke you would have LOVED this place).

I didn't realize how long the other people had been drinking until one of the 'Golf Pros' tried to take apart his little golfbag to putt the golf balls into the 'holes' which doubled as the wheels. He feel over getting the wheels off...then completely shot the wrong way after aiming at the hole for 3 minutes (all of this occuring on the dance floor). He must have been far past my 3 vodka and lemonades (why don't they just call it Sprite!).

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Love the Little People

The Security Guard HATES me.

You may think that is a bit of an overstatement...but today I have proof!

It started the second week of work. The nice gentleman that had been saying hello to me whenever I walked through the lobby disappeared and was replaced with the regular security guard.

He's not friendly...he's bothered by any interaction - I know first hand.

I had to go complain about the lack of heat on our floor for the whole office and he was not nice. He kept asking me why I hadn't just emailed the building manager (Well, I WOULD email the building manager if you would give me the building manager's email! That's what I'm asking you for! I don't think that the security guard can magically fix the lack of heat - but I need a little help here buddy and unluckily you're it because YOU'RE SITTING IN THE LOBBY OF MY BUILDING!). I know this sounds extreme, but I prefaced our whole interaction with the fact that I was new (it was my second week) and I needed the building management's information - could he give that to me?

Then, there was the elevator incident. This is not my fault! I just needed to ride the elevator down to the lobby. I got on the elevator and my favorite friend was standing with a cup of soup in his hand. He was holding the cup in the middle of the elevator making it virtually impossible to stand anywhere (thus the reason the other two ladies where huddled in the back corners) so I stood right up against the doors. When the doors opened again and more people needed to get on, I started to move backwards (where all the space was). Apparently, I should have asked permission to come within 2 feet of his cup of soup, because he got all huffy and quickly moved his cup which made it almost spill all over him...big mistake...big...HUGE.

And last night, I got proof. I left at the usual time (5:50 so I can make Post by 6pm). I get to the lobby and the revolving door is still going. I even think to myself "Wow, the revolving door is still going, did I leave early?" I proceed through the revolving (as you are supposed to unless it is locked) and JUST as the door is about to get to a point where I can exit - BOOM. The door stops...locked down like Fort Knox. I look at the Security Guard (my favorite person of all time) and think surely he's going to open it. But no, he doesn't make a move. He looks at me. He doesn't stand. He doesn't shout. Other people are walking through the lobby looking at me, looking at the Security Guard, looking at the door...and walking through the security door to the left (what you are supposed to do if the revolving door is locked). I can't figure out what to do...panic is setting I going to have to sleep here tonight and wait for them to turn it back on in the morning? Finally, a rider from the next elevator comes and pulls the door backwards just even to tell me to come out that way. Oh good, I get to go home tonight! I walk back and push the door...and nothing...I try again a bit harder and nothing again. I look at SG - surely he hasn't double locked it now that I'm trying to get out this way. I walk back to the front and try to push that side of the door - surprise, that doesn't work! Eventually, another person off a third elevator, who must be walking towards his white horse, yanks and holds the door open until I can make my way out.

Moral of the story - Do what your sister tells you and "Be nice to Security Guards, cleaning people, and all others in the building. One day you will need their help."

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Right, Left, Right

They do some things backwards drive on the left...walk on the left...stand on the escalator on the left. No matter how many times I think I have it down, about once a week I am reminded that walking on the right has been drilled into me since I was five years old.

Often I have to move out of the way of a fellow pedestrian, who often gets upset with me when I go right and they go left and we almost end up kissing...hence the upset pedestrian I now have on my hands that is trying desperately to move the other way. At this point, I have realized my error and start moving left...but they they are moving right...and again the almost kissing thing happens. Now, if it's a 'fit' guy (they way the Brits at the office describe hotties), who cares? But often it's a tiny Asian tourist woman who doesn't speak my language or a tall older gentleman trying to multitask on the phone and not interested in dealing with me. And I am suddenly repeating over and over to myself "Move to the left, just move to the left, why can't I remember to move to the left?"

Then another few days go by, and I beginning to believe I have it down, I'm on the left escalator, I'm on the left sidewalk, I'm on the left...then I run into tiny tourist woman and I'm canting in my head again! Hopefully, in a few more months, I'll have this down.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

A Morning Walk

Walk out the door...closing the little green gate behind me as I begin my journey down Baltic Street (my new home!)...I usually look back and marvel at the red porch...which is where I live. I few steps down the road, past the crazy yellow car that looks like an old muscle car-but can't be because I'm not in America-and I'm turning onto the street that points the bike route to the next town over. Depending on the time of morning (if I'm going in early/late/or just running late), the purple morning glories are in some stage of wakening to the bright sunlight, trumpeting in the day! Then there is the bush with flowers on it (I think they are Magnolia) that I take a chance at sniffing, if I have the time...usually I see one of the four cats that live between me and the train station around this bush. There's the grey tabby, the orange tabby, the black with white boots, and the Siamese but with longer hair...I have yet to give them names, but did see a little boy pulling one cat's tail on the way home the other day...don't think his mother was too happy about his choice. Next, I amble past the corner pub and can't help but notice what is on the agenda for tonight - It's Thursday which means Jag the Joker (not that I have figured out exactly what that means yet...but I will if ever I get a free Thursday). Down a few more steps and you see the curtain that has a graphic that-too me-looks like a man lifting weights (though it's probably just squares and triangles)...If the curtain is open, he looks like he's pumping iron overhead...if it's closed, he looks like he showing off his muscles. The next block has the big shrubs that you can peek through to find the little park with swings and just long to have a swing instead of running off to work...round the corner along the hedge until you run into the box that has been spray-painted with a stencil (is the man sitting on his loins or rowing a boat? - these are the questions I ponder every morning on the way to work, feel free to cast your vote!). A few blocks to think about the school nearby and if the mother will come out in her dressing gown and tell the little boy he forgot his hat again...then it's time to walk up the steps with the tiles!!! Apparently these tiles were painted at some festival in Newtown at some point in the past...but each morning I love to find a new one...although the one that says "Good Morning, Peter!" always catches my eye! It's so cheery and puts you in a pleasant mood to 'frogger' across 12 lanes of traffic (two roads come together right in front of the train station). A quick check of the time and compare it to the old fashioned clock announcing when the next train will leave (...I have watched the station man come and change these clocks by hand...), and I know if I have to bound down the stairs to make it or if I have plenty of time...And this is how I start each and every work day! I love Australia...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Bondi Barbie

I went to my first Aussie Barbie...ok, it wasn't hosted by an Australian...but it was a bbq on a rooftop in Bondi Beach! I'm counting it as an Aussie Barbie...

It wasn't your average Barbie-I don't know if it was the view overlooking Bondi Beach, the guest house where 20 people live, or the DJs spinning on 4 turntables and 2 faders-but for some reason, I don't think any of this will be at the next barbie I attend.

Somehow I missed out on getting a snag from the Chris and I rounded up our own grub a little while later. Tip: Don't forget to eat the bbq at the Aussie Barbie!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


As any good Aggie knows, once you do the same thing twice - it has become a tradition! We made it out to Scruffy Murphy's for Karaoke again this week...which means we have to go again next week.
The music sung by others was just the beginning of night filled with music and the evening progressed, so did our dancing!
I am not sure how I missed getting Scott in a photo, but the rest of us are WELL documented...Scott (America), Drew (America), Myriam (Canada), Ryan (Canada), Chris (Canada) and I danced and sang the night away. Soon, someone has to get on stage!

Monday, April 21, 2008

3D Madness!

Mix Irish and Canadian, Malteasers and Popcorn, 3D and IMAX - and soon you have a night of U2!

Dave (Ireland), Chris (Canada), and I donned the silly glasses and ran (quite literally over other people) to the best seats in the house for a U2 concert that was unbelievable. I have never felt so close to the drum kit (and tried to reach out and touch them...haha!).

The concert experience was from an arena show in South America. Every so often, the camera would pan the crowd during the height of the music and you would get an incredible shot of people jumping up and down to the beat...which ended up looking like waves of the ocean, starting at the front of the crowd and working it's way back. I have never in my life seen so many people standing so closely together for hours on end (as they must have for this concert since I watched it for a few hours and the filming must have been edited, right?!?).

Dave insisted that we try his favorite movie snack food - Malteasers and Popcorn. For my friends in America, Malteasers are like Whoppers...well, in my opinion they are Whoppers...but don't tell Dave that!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Gliding through the Ocean

Friday evening I hoped on a bus with 24 strangers and set out for the time of my life!

Our drive seemed like forever but we went just a couple hours south of Sydney near Wollongong to a town called Gerroa where the famous Seven Mile Beach was out in the darkness just waiting for us to awaken from a good night's rest and master our first surfing lesson.

We woke up early (ok, so 7:00 am didn't use to be early...but it is these days), and learned how to put on our 'wetties,' carry our board, and find out way to Seven Mile Beach. We were divided into groups...Chris and I were put in the smallest group, which I thought would be a bad since we wouldn't meet as many people...little did I know that of the eight in our group, six would be naturals leaving all the attention from our instructor, Kristi, to the two of who needed it most - like me. Plus, I made great friends with the few people I was stuck with for the next 48 hours!

Our first lesson included jumping on a sand surfboard - do you know how silly you feel pretending to paddle on a surfboard you just drew in the sand? No, you don't, because you haven't been to surf camp...after you go, we can compare stories! At least I was having a great time doing you see the crinkle in my nose from laughing so hard? The best part of the lesson was when we actually got in the water and tried catching waves (just boogie boarding standing up). I have body surfed before and thought this would be the same...but I didn't expect the excitement felt when the power of the wave caught the board and floated me to the beach. I was gliding through the ocean - if you haven't tried it, you must! And this part is easy enough for anyone to do...the rest, I soon learned, takes so many muscles throughout your entire body that I could understand why someone would choose to skip it (but they'd also be skipping the rush of adrenaline that comes with success!).

Our second lesson is when most people mastered standing up. For a few of us, who shall remain nameless, it took a bit longer...But the fun came with each new attempt and being out there just you and the ocean. Just playing in the water was a blast! Before long, my muscles were understand what I was telling them to do, but were so very, very tired they just couldn't do it! After a LONG sleep, it was time to try again - and with better results.

I knew I had fun at Surf Camp. The water was gorgeous, the people were friendly, the staff was always joking around. But when I looked back at all the photos of me in the water surfing, I am smiling in almost every shot. I truly enjoyed the entire experience and can't wait to hit waves again...although I have to wait for all the soreness from the weekend to go away first!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Teapot Bar

Mom, Dad, Those Who Care About My Safety - DON'T READ THIS POST!

Tonight we went to a dodgey part of Sydney that is known for its amazing nightlife. We were 'safe' and took a taxi there so we wouldn't run into any trouble along the way. We went to a place called World Bar which had FAN-TAST-IC music. A vodka drink in one hand and strumming an air guitar in the other...or if the drink was done, showing off my mad air drum skillz like no other. The Wombats, Plain White Tees, and many, many more...I couldn't get enough.

I even took the advice of Matt and danced with a guy that asked me...little did I know he would not get the hint that I was not interested and had to practically shove him out the bar to get him to go. What do guys not understand about: "This is a fast can't dance slow to it." "Have a nice night!" "You lost your friend, oh, you better go find him." and "I'm here with my friends tonight, you have fun with yours." All in all, it was pretty funny how thick headed he was...glad I had a whole crew to keep me safe! Tina (UK), Matt (UK), Chris (UK), two other UK friends (UK), Dave (Ireland), Mossey (Ireland), Chris(tine) (Canada), Myriam (Canada), and I were out having the time of our lives.

Tina somehow convinced someone somewhere that we were cool mates that totally deserved to have 4 free jugs of beer...and who turns down free beer? Much less taking a picture with it?

At the beginning of the night, I noticed these crazy little pots hanging from the ceiling that looked a lot like the netty pot I have at home (in storage somewhere). Later when Chris(tine) ordered a drink from a teapot, I found out that World Bar uses these little white teapots to serve specialty drinks. The one Chris ordered was delicious...I wonder if I can emulate the recipe later?!? Apparently this bar is known for serving drinks in teapots because the next day, when at the Internet place, I saw that the girl next to me was posting a picture of her drinking from a teapot. I wasn't bold enough to tell her I was looking over her shoulder...but what fun that we were at the same bar the night before!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Kingpin Bowling!

Just the other day, Chris and I were wandering around the mall when we happened upon a bowling alley...she saw the bowling balls and couldn't resist picking them up and asking "What are these?" She also wanted to see which fingers you were supposed to put in the holes. I found the fascinating since I grew up knowing what bowling was (even if we didn't go all that often). Apparently, the part of Canada where Chris is from has 5-pin bowling. This type of bowling has 5 pins (hence the name), a small ball (with no holes), and is quite easy (from what I hear). I decided Chris had to experience BOWLING and we got a group together for a fun night out.

Little did we know that Ryan would get a turkey plus two more strikes! But we all had a blast and enjoyed seeing the 'new' graphics after each person bowled (we've all seen the same little cartoons after a strike or spare from our bowling places back home...the ones in Australia were 'new' for all of us). The bowling was the same...well, at least for some of us...and the neon glow the lanes was an experience in itself. Craig (UK), Drew (US), Lizzie (don't you know me), Ryan (Canada), Lucy (UK), and Chris (Canada) had a stupendous time bowling the night away...well, it was just one game...but still it seemed like the whole entire night.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I'm becoming a Canadian, eh?

I was warned before I came to Australia that it is difficult to meet Australians right away. You have to start working, find a suburb to live in, and get involved in day-to-day life that Aussie enjoy to really get to meeting Australians. Until then, you can easily meet quite a few other travelers from all of the global (but especially from the UK and Canada since Australia is one of the Commonwealth Countries).

Well, I have met and begun to hang out with heaps of Canadians. They are good people! We have tons of fun together and they are beginning to rub off on my...or at least my accent. I have begun saying about (ah-boat), quite, and many other words like my Canadian friends. If I don't watch out, I'll be saying eh before long, eh?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Peguins and Fishes and Sharks, oh my!

Chris and I hit the Sydney Aquarium. I learned all about Platypuses (or is it Platypi - maybe I didn't learn enough). I was surprised to find out that Penguins live in Australia! Ok, so they are the little penguins and they only live in the southern-most part of the continent...but still, we only have those at Seaworld in Texas!

The rest of the aquarium was your typical shark tank, fish everywhere, touch starfish stuff...good times!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bondi Beach Fiasco

We've been having absolutely gorgeous weather in Sydney. So when Chris(tine) (Canada)-the girl I met at IEP Orientation and have been pal-ing around with ever since-suggested we hit Bondi Beach, I couldn't wait.

We basked in the sun as we walked down to Woolworth's (yes, they still have them here) to buy beach towels, sunblock, and beach snacks. As we headed to meet up with Myriam (Canada), grey clouds began to roll in. The three of us made our way over the bus stop that would take us out to Bondi Beach and told the ominous clouds to go away! They didn't listen and as we boarded the bus it began to sprinkle. Within 5 minutes, it was a full scale rainstorm - and I was shivering on the bus hoping it was warmer at the beach.

We arrived just as the rain stopped...luckily we could take shelter with some friends while the next storm rolled through. They have a tiny room in a house with 40 other people...but you walk up to the roof and have an out-of-this world view of the beach, ocean, hillside, and beyond! I wish I had I picture...but somehow my camera did not make it in the bag of beach stuff.

We decided to make the most of the break in the clouds and walked across the street (that's right, they live right across the street from the gorgeousness known as Bondi Beach). It was still chilly, but we couldn't let that get in the way of swimming/body surfing in the ocean. The water was so warm, that once you got it - it was wonderful. It was completely obvious that we weren't from Australia being the pale white girls who were NOT swimming between the flags. Thankfully none of the surfers took us out.

The trip only solidified that I MUST go back when the weather is nice.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pete Will Be Proud!

What do you get when you take rugby and make it FIERCE?

That's right...Aussie Rules. This game, supposedly, predates American football and rugby. It's kind of like football, in that they run around a field trying to get a ball through the uprights and hit each other along the way...but it's more like Rugby, in that they don't wear pads, the field is bigger and oval shaped...Too much to explain.

I got a ticket through IEP (International Exchange Program)-the non-profit group that I came through-and could not believe my luck when my ticket found me on the FRONT row. I wish I could have gotten a better picture...because these don't do justice for how close we actually were!

Four of us that were sitting together got along famously (four rounds of Toohey's may have helped). Mark (Canada), Ryan (Canada), Me, and (an)Drew (America) chatted throughout the entire game...I didn't realize how quickly the time went by until the score was suddenly WAY, WAY more for us (and I suddenly needed to hit the restroom quite badly!).

Oh, did I mention the game was played at Olympic Park?!? It was amazing in itself!

Either way, the Sydney Swans beat the pants off the Western Australia Eagles!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Tourist Photo

This picture is being posted many days after it was actually taken...which leads to into a story about internet.

It is pretty easy to get on the internet here (at least while I am in the city). The IEP office has free internet, as part of my package coming over I got 20 hours of free internet at one of the Youth Hostels, there are cheap internet cafes every other block on the walk to the harbor, and then there are 'expensive' places. You might think that opening internet explorer takes you the a webpage that allows you to send/receive email-so fabulous that there is tons of internet no matter where you go.

But in my brief time here, I have found that there is a direct correlation in the amount you pay for internet and the experience you have. Now free internet is the most frustrating, often leading to one email per hour...usually does not offer any sort of ports for plugging in camera cards or USB storage. Moving onto cheap internet, you may or may not be able to plug in a camera card/storage device but you will surely not be able to use it - however, the sending/receiving/surfing of the internet is heaps easier! Finally, just a day ago, I broke down and went to the 'expensive' place (the place I am now as I type this blog) and was overjoyed to find my camera card actually worked! No need to reformat and lose the pictures I've already need to buy a new need to retake my TOURIST PHOTO outside the Sydney Opera House! Thanks to the random dude that didn't look like he would steal my camera, I have this shot from the first day I was in town...trying desperately to keep myself awake after a 20 hour plane ride!

The Plane Made It!


I have made it to AUSTRALIA! No pictures to prove I'm here, but I wanted to let you know I am safe and exploring!

It was definitely an adventure getting here...four gate changes, two hour delay, one missed plane, minus one bag...My suitcase is coming to my hostel whatever continent it is on right now!

During the fire drill (why are we having a fire drill?!?) this afternoon, I met a Scottish girl who gave me some tips about travel in and around Oz...I'm getting excited!!! But first, I have some job hunting to do.