Mom, Dad, Those Who Care About My Safety - DON'T READ THIS POST!
Tonight we went to a dodgey part of Sydney that is known for its amazing nightlife. We were 'safe' and took a taxi there so we wouldn't run into any trouble along the way. We went to a place called World Bar which had FAN-TAST-IC music. A vodka drink in one hand and strumming an air guitar in the other...or if the drink was done, showing off my mad air drum skillz like no other. The Wombats, Plain White Tees, and many, many more...I couldn't get enough.

I even took the advice of Matt and danced with a guy that asked me...little did I know he would not get the hint that I was not interested and had to practically shove him out the ba

r to get him to go. What do guys not understand about: "This is a fast can't dance slow to it." "Have a nice night!" "You lost your friend, oh, you better go find him." and "I'm here with my friends tonight, you have fun with yours." All in all, it was pretty funny how thick headed he was...glad I had a whole crew to keep me safe! Tina (UK), Matt (UK), Chris (UK), two other UK friends (UK), Dave (Ireland), Mossey (Ireland), Chris(tine) (Canada), Myriam (Canada), and I were out having the time of our lives.

Tina somehow convinced someone somewhere that we were cool mates that totally deserved to have 4 free jugs of beer...and who turns down free beer? Much less taking a picture with it?
At the beginning of the night, I noticed these crazy little pots

hanging from the ceiling that looked a lot like the netty pot I have at home (in storage somewhere). Later when Chris(tine) ordered a drink from a teapot, I found out that World Bar uses these little white teapots to serve specialty drinks. The one Chris ordered was delicious...I wonder if I can emulate the recipe later?!? Apparently this bar is known for serving drinks in teapots because the next day, when at the Internet place, I saw that the girl next to me was posting a picture of her drinking from a teapot. I wasn't bold enough to tell her I was looking over her shoulder...but what fun that we were at the same bar the night before!
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